you ever feel like you are floating but your in a coffee shop? well put that feeling into a blender with some jesus and mary chain but with more drugs..piles of drugs , add some pink paint and a few faked signs of affection that go beyond the word friendship and youve got The Big Pink.
these guys are from the U.k but are lifting a buzz few bands well ever get to see.
who knows they might even be too good and record one album and simply dissapear. lets hope thats not the case here.
they have been collecting a solid following over the pond and people seem to be realizing that life has been simplified to the point where its become too but too confused.where people treat you as a living organism and not some sort of zombie.
but of course that could all be that hipster blanket that keeps getting bigger. hopefully this band has a big enough pair of scissors to slice it open once again. by the way they are not gay even though they kiss openly ,i suppose that could be part of the hype behind these so often see as examples of "free love". either way they make damn good shoegaze musique for the finer palettes out there.. and to think that "a place to bury strangers" had blown every ones eardrums, nope not even close. listen to the track velvet and pretend you still know what being alive feels like.
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